Spinal stenosis

Oct. 31, 2017 Home  » 시선치료요법 » Spinal joint disease

Spinal stenosis is a degenerative disease caused by narrowing of the spinal canal, free space in the spine, which leads to pressure on the nerve roots of the spinal cord, through the degeneration of ligaments and muscles around the vertebrae and spine.
The dorsal canal is a tunnel opening through the spinal nerve that extends from the brain to the coccyx

When stenosis of the spinal canal, in the sitting or standing position, the feet constantly ache and hurt.
If you straighten your back, there is pain, but if you bend it, the spine begins to stretch and the distance between the vertebrae increases, making the symptoms of stenosis less painful. To get rid of the pain with stenosis, we often tilt the body forward, which leads to a curvature of the lumbar spine.

Spinal stenosis

Narrowing of the spinal canal can be associated with thickening of the vertebrae or an increase in the posterior joints; in addition, there is a soft tissue on the bone called the yellow ligament, with thickening of which, the spinal canal narrows and presses on the spinal nerve.
Stenosis of the spine develops slowly and takes a long time for the onset of symptoms. Stenosis often appears in people aged 50-60 years, in the cervical and lumbar spine, which are most active

Chronic low back pain. And also the symptoms in which it is difficult to walk and feel fatigue in the calf area of the legs. There are also many symptoms that appear in the lower extremities more than in the lower back. Feeling cold, aching pain in the legs and pain in the calf area at night.

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